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Version: v0


The Embedded SDK is a holistic SDK solution offering the entire experience embedded in your product. Users will not need to download the Beyond Identity Authenticator. A set of functions are provided to you through the Embedded namespace. This SDK supports OIDC and OAuth2.

Sample App

Sample App

Sample apps are available to explore. Check out Example for the Embedded SDK.


Swift Package Manager

From Xcode

  1. From the Xcode File menu, select Swift Packages » Add Package Dependency and add the following url:
  1. Select a version and hit Next.
  2. Select a the BeyondIdentityEmbedded target

From Package.swift

  1. With Swift Package Manager, add the following dependency to your Package.swift:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "<<ios-sdk-embedded-version>>")
  1. Run swift build


First, before calling the Embedded functions, make sure to initialize the SDK. This can be called from your AppDelegate or SceneDelegate.

biometricAskPrompt: viewModel.biometricAskPromptText,
clientID: viewModel.confidentialClientID,
redirectURI: viewModel.redirectURI,
logger: viewModel.logger

Registration and Recovery

If the user has never set up an account with Beyond Identity, then the user will need to complete a registration flow. If the user previously had credentials but have since been deleted and no other device has a credential, then the user should complete the recovery flow.

In either case, the end result is that the user creates a Credential on the device in question. At a high level, a Credential can be thought of as an X.509 Certificate (in fact, it’s just a wrapper on top of one). Each Credential contains a public/private key pair where the private key is stored securely in the Secure Enclave. When a user sets up an account with Beyond Identity, the device in which they register creates a Credential that becomes their identity. This private key associated with this Credential can never be removed from the device in question. It is however possible to extend the Credential’s chain of trust by creating a new Credential on a different device and signing it with the private key of the first Credential. This process is covered in the Adding a New Device section.

Registration and recovery are not offered as functions in the Embedded SDK. Instead, please use the following guides to integrate registration and recovery into your application:

Intercepting A Redirect From A New or Recovered User

After a successful creation or recovery, the user will receive an email. When the user taps on the email link, the user will be redirected using a redirect url specified by your tenant. See Registration Redirect URI for more information.

Once the user is redirected, intercept the redirect in either your AppDelegate or SceneDelegate.


Custom Schemes offer a potential attack as iOS allows any URL Scheme to be claimed by multiple apps and thus malicious apps can hijack sensitive data. Use a Universal Link for your redirect url.

See Apple’s documentation on Supporting Universal Links In Your App for all options on where you may want to intercept the redirect url.


Embedded.shared.registerCredentials(url) { result in
switch result {
case let .success(response):
case let .failure(error):


Confidential Client

This flow only completes the authorization code flow and relies on a backend to make the token exchange. On successful completion the AuthorizationCode grant is returned.

Optional PKCE support is available to mitigate authorization code injection. Use Embedded.shared.createPKCE to create one or generate your own and use the PKCE.CodeChallenge initializer.

Make sure to use your configured confidential clientID in initialization.


pkceChallenge: PKCE.CodeChallenge?,
scope: String,
callback: @escaping(Result<AuthorizationCode, BISDKError>) -> Void
) { result in
switch result {
case let .success(code):
case let .failure(error):

Public Client

This flow authenticates and authorizes the user by completing the authorization flow and token exchange. PKCE is handled internally to mitigate against an authorization code interception attack. The scope “openid” is set internally. You do not need a backend for this flow.

On successful authentication, you’ll receive a TokenResponse containing the AccessToken and JWT idToken.

To use OIDC client connections for Public Client authentication, please ensure the Token Authentication Method is set to none and that you use your configured public clientID in initialization.


Embedded.shared.authenticate { result in
switch result {
case let .success(tokenResponse):
case let .failure(error):

Adding a new device

If the user already has a Credential and would like to log in with another device, the user may extend a Credential from one device to another.

Extend a Credential

In order to add a new device, the user must first export a Credential from a device that contains a Credential. In order to initiate an export, an authentication in the form of a passcode/TouchID/FaceID will be required (assuming the device is locked by one of these). In order to use FaceID, please add NSFaceIDUsageDescription to your Info.plist.

On a successful export, you’ll receive an ExtendCredentialsStatus indicating the extending status. The first time a token is received, the callback will fire with a status of .started(CredentialToken, QRCode?). Every 90 seconds, the token is cycled and .tokenUpdated(CredentialToken, QRCode?) will fire with a new token. A status of .done indicates that a Credential extension completed successfully. Upon receiving a CredentialToken and/or QRCode, it is up to you to display one or both to the user.


Embedded.shared.extendCredentials(handles: [Credential.handle]) { result in
switch result {
case let .success(extendStatus):
switch extendStatus {
case let .started(token, qrcode):
case let .tokenUpdated(token, qrcode):
// Display token

if let qrcode = qrcode {
// And/Or Display the QRCode
let image = UIImageView(image: qrcode)
case .done:
// extension is complete
case let .failure(error):

Cancel Extending Credentials

Once an extension is started, it needs to be either completed or canceled. This is because all EmbeddedSDK functions are blocking. Since extendCredentials is a long running function, it will block all other function calls to EmbeddedSDK until you explicitly call EmbeddedSDK.cancelExtendCredentials.


Embedded.shared.cancelExtendCredentials() { result in
switch result {
case .success:
// Cancel was successful
case let .failure(error):

Import a Credential

Once a credential extension is initiated, you can handle importing the code on another device in one of two ways:

  1. Create a TextField or TextView in which the user can enter the 9 digit code that they see on the exporting device.
  2. Initialize an AVCaptureSession and capture the contents of the QR code as a String. This will also be a 9 digit code.

In either case, you’ll need to take the 9 digit code and initialize a CredentialToken to pass into the import function. A successful import will return a list of imported credentials.


Embedded.shared.registerCredentials(token: tokenToImport) { result in
switch result {
case let .success(credentials):
case let .failure(error):

Get a Credential

This will get all current credentials on the device. If no credential is found, create a user first.

 - Note: Only one credential per device is currently supported. 
Embedded.shared.getCredentials { result in
switch result {
case let .success(credentials):
guard !credentials.isEmpty else {
case let .failure(error):

Delete a Credential

This will remove the current credential. If no other device contains a credential to extend, then the credential will be lost unless a recovery is done.

Embedded.shared.deleteCredential(for: credential.handle) { result in
switch result {
case let .success(credential):
case let .failure(error):