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Version: v1

Getting Started

In this guide we will show you how to create a tenant and connect a demo application to it. This app will demonstrate common workflows like creating a passkey and using it to authenticate.

1. Check the basics

The Beyond Identity Example Application is made up of a node.js backend and a angularjs frontend. You'll need standard developer tools to get it up and running.

macOS, Windows and Linux

  1. Git: Download and install git:

  2. cURL: Download and install curl:

  3. NodeJS: Download and install nodejs:

2. Download the example application

Clone the repo

The source code for the example application is hosted in Github.

git clone

Change directory into the repo:

cd getting-started

3. Create a Tenant

Proceed to Create a Tenant.

Once your tenant has been created with Beyond Identity, you can continue to clone the app, get a tenant_id and API token.

4. Set your region

Set the REGION variable according to where your account was created:

export REGION="us" | "eu"

5. Get your Tenant ID

Log into the Admin Console, then to get your Tenant ID:

  1. On the navigation bar to the left click Home.

  2. Click Edit Realm on the top right side of your screen, copy the Tenant ID value.

  3. Run the following command to configure the TENANT_ID variable:

export TENANT_ID=tenant_id from above

6. Create an API token

From the Admin Console, create an API Token for your tenant by:

  1. Click Applications.
  2. Click Beyond Identity Management API.
  3. Click API Tokens.
  4. Create a token and click the copy button, use the API Token to set the environment variables as shown below.
  5. Run the following command to set the API_TOKEN variable:
export API_TOKEN=api-token from above

7. Configure your local environment

Create a Realm

First, we need to create a new realm to hold identities and configuration:


curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"realm" : {
"display_name" : "Test Realm"
}' https://api-$$TENANT_ID/realms

Example Response:

"id": "76faedfb4342e82f", // <= copy REALM_ID from your response
"create_time": "2022-07-12T21:34:37.427115Z",
"display_name": "Test Realm",
"tenant_id": "000191bbf35a63ac",
"update_time": "2022-07-12T21:34:37.427115Z"

Copy the Realm ID from the response and set an environment variable for it:

export REALM_ID=realm-id from your response

Create an Authenticator Configuration

See the advanced documentation for more details on Authenticator Configurations.


curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"authenticator_config": {
"config": {
"type": "embedded",
"invoke_url": "http://localhost:3001",
}}' https://api-$$TENANT_ID/realms/$REALM_ID/authenticator-configs

Example Response:

"id": "f90019f4-e9e4-4989-af17-7c7b531f7c2c", // <= copy AUTH_CONFIG_ID from your response
"realm_id": "76faedfb4342e82f",
"tenant_id": "000191bbf35a63ac",
"type": "embedded",
"invoke_url": "http://localhost:3001",

Copy the Authenticator Configuration ID from the response and set an environment variable for it:

export AUTH_CONFIG_ID=authenticator-config-id from your response

Create an Application

Next, we'll create an Application. Applications hold the OpenID Configuration information needed to authenticate:


curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"application": {
"authenticator_config": "$AUTH_CONFIG_ID",
"protocol_config": {
"type": "oidc",
"confidentiality": "confidential",
"token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
"token_configuration": {
"expires_after": 86400,
"token_signing_algorithm": "RS256",
"subject_field": "USERNAME"
"display_name": "Test Application"
}' https://api-$$TENANT_ID/realms/$REALM_ID/applications

Example Response:

"id": "845b9fc9-cb61-4892-8272-a9899657bef1", // <= copy APPLICATION_ID from your response
"realm_id": "76faedfb4342e82f",
"tenant_id": "000191bbf35a63ac",
"type": "oidc",
"client_id": "8qwi78xeHtcgSmM16I3H7eNN", // <= copy APP_CLIENT_ID from your response
"client_secret": "KGkJiGVqdplvm_KtLZrpulckYsd6EFTwPHP9Ld6aa4aUDWqO", // <= copy APP_CLIENT_SECRET from your response
"confidentiality": "confidential",
"token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
"expires_after": 86400,
"token_signing_algorithm": "RS256",
"subject_field": "username"
"authenticator_config": "f90019f4-e9e4-4989-af17-7c7b531f7c2c",
"is_managed": false,
"display_name": "Test Application"

Set the AppID, Client ID and Client Secret environment variables

Copy the Application ID from the response and set an environment variable:

export APPLICATION_ID=application-id from your response

Copy the Client ID from the response and set an environment variable:

export APP_CLIENT_ID=app-client-id from your response

Copy the Client Secret from the response and set an environment variable:

export APP_CLIENT_SECRET=app-client-secret from your response

8. Running the example application

Start the backend and frontend

  1. Install dependencies with:
npm install
  1. Build and run the application:
npm run start
  1. Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3002. The example application will now appear and allow you to create Passkeys in the browser.

What's next?

You can use the example application above to create one or more Passkeys and log in with them.

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