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Version: v1


The Embedded SDK is a holistic SDK solution offering the entire experience embedded in your product. Users will not need to download the Beyond Identity Authenticator. A set of functions are provided to you through the Embedded namespace. This SDK supports OIDC and OAuth2.

Sample App

Sample App

Sample apps are available to explore. Check out Example for the Embedded SDK.


Swift Package Manager

From Xcode

  1. From the Xcode File menu, select Add Packages and add the following url:
  1. Select a version and hit Next.
  2. Select a target matching the SDK you wish to use.

From Package.swift

  1. With Swift Package Manager, add the following dependency to your Package.swift:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: [version])
  1. Run swift build


Add the pod to your Podfile:

pod 'BeyondIdentityEmbedded'

And then run:

pod install

After installing import with

import BeyondIdentityEmbedded


First, before calling the Embedded functions, make sure to initialize the SDK.

allowedDomains: [String] = [""],
biometricAskPrompt: String,
logger: ((OSLogType, String) -> Void)? = nil,
callback: @escaping(Result<Void, BISDKError>) -> Void

Binding a Credential

The bindCredential function expects a URL. This can either be a binding credential link fetched directly from our public API, or a binding credential instruction that is the result of a redirection to your web application. This function should be used in conjunction with isBindCredentialUrl in order to determine if the URL being passed in is a valid bind credential URL.


url: URL,
callback: @escaping(Result<BindCredentialResponse, BISDKError>) -> Void

Where the response type consists of an object containing a Credential and an optional postBindingRedirectURI URL to redirect to upon succesfully binding a credential.

struct BindCredentialResponse: Codable, Equatable {
let credential: Credential
let postBindingRedirectURI: URL?


The authenticate function expects a URL. This Beyond Identity specific URL is generated during on OAuth2 authorization flow and carries with it a JWT that contains information specific to the current authorization request. When passing this URL into the authenticate function, this will perform a challenge/response against the private key bound to the credential on your device. You will be required to select from one of the credentials bound to your device if more than one credential belongs to a single Realm. This function should be used in conjunction with isAuthenticateUrl in order to determine if the URL being passed in is a valid authenticate URL.


url: URL,
onSelectCredential: @escaping ([Credential], @escaping ((CredentialID?) -> Void)) -> Void,
callback: @escaping(Result<AuthenticateResponse, BISDKError>) -> Void

// Example
Embedded.shared.authenticate(url: URL(string: "some_url")!) { credentials, onSelectCredentialId in
// Where you can perform some logic here to select a credential, or
// present UI to a user to enable them to select a credential.
let foundCredential = credentials.first { $0.identity.username == "some_username" }
} callback: { result in
// Handle result

Where the response consists of an object containing a redirectURL that you should redirect back to in order to complete the authentication flow, and an optional message to display to the user.

struct AuthenticateResponse: Codable, Equatable {
let redirectURL: URL
let message: String?

URL Validation

Bind Credential URL Validation

This function is used to validate if a given URL is able to be used by the bindCredential function.

if (Embedded.shared.isBindCredentialUrl(url)) {
// bind the credential using `bindCredential`

Authenticate URL Validation

This function is used to validate if a given URL is able to be used by the authenticate function.

if (Embedded.shared.isAuthenticateUrl(url)) {
// authenticate against a credential bound to the device

Credential Management

Listing Credentials

The getCredentials function enables you to get all credentials currently bound to the device.

callback: @escaping (Result<[Credential], BISDKError>) -> Void

Where the response is a [Credential].

Deleting a Credential

The deleteCredential function allows you to delete a credential given its ID.

for id: CredentialID,
callback: @escaping (Result<(), BISDKError>) -> Void